Build. Earn.

It's that easy.
hero money 23

More earning. Less headache.

Reach more users

Monetize your app natively to have access to exclusive benefits
that will help more users see and download your app.

Boosted discoverability

Your app will have the chance to be included in the Featured Apps list and the Editor’s Choice list.

Design & content reviews

Expert design and content professionals will review your app to ensure it delivers as much value as possible.

Priority review process

After you submit your app, your app will be reviewed faster so it will hit the app store sooner.
App review

Priority app support

You’ll get faster responses to your support requests from our dev success team so you can avoid unnecessary delays.

Stipend for Fiverr

Receive $250 towards our dedicated Fiverr store where you can find experts that will improve your app listing.
Scoping meeting

Scoping meeting

Meeting with our dev success team to ensure your app is the best version of itself.

We’ll do the heavy lifting

How to monetize

1. Choose the pricing model and set prices
2. Fill out an app submission form
3. Submit a marketplace partner form
4. Implement monetization API
5. Start earning

revshare model

Our current revshare model is 0/100 – you keep 100% of the revenue your app earns. This might change in the future but enjoying 100% of your revenue is just one perk of being an early builder in the app marketplace.